Smeaton Grange Waste Recycling and Transfer Facility

The proposed development provides an environmentally beneficial means of dealing with non-putrescible general solid waste by recycling up to 90% of the materials processed at the site.

Benedict Recycling | Smeaton Grange, New South Wales

Project overview
The Smeaton Grange resource-recovery facility is currently being developed in the outer South-west Sydney region. The facility will have the capacity to accept a maximum of 140,000 tonnes of waste per year, with the primary goal of diverting a majority of this waste from landfills. To achieve this, the facility will mainly receive inert general solid waste that is non-putrescible, including construction and demolition waste, along with certain commercial and industrial waste. The waste will be processed, for example screening and sorting, to separate recyclable materials such as masonry, soils, metals, timbers, and dry paper and cardboard that will be sold directly or forwarded to facilities for further processing.
Our involvement
EMM was engaged to assist Benedict Recycling throughout various stages of the State significant development application including the development of an environmental impact statement, navigating the approval pathway and the preparation of subsequent modifications. Management measures were developed to prevent unacceptable impacts to houses with 150 m of the site. Given the location and condition of the site, and the proposed environmental management measures incorporated, the EIS highlighted that the proposed activities will only have minor environmental impacts. The project was approved by the NSW Planning Assessment Commission. Subsequently, EMM assisted with the preparation of the construction and operations environmental management plans for the facility.
Technical solutions
  • Acoustics
  • Air Quality
  • Contamination Assessment and Remediation Management
  • Groundwater
  • Soil, Land Resources and Erosion
  • Surface Water
  • Transport Engineering and Planning